7 Things to Know About Marketing Communications Localization

Do you work in advertising? Do you work with localization? Do you plan on expanding internationally? No matter what you do, you’ll want to ensure you’re putting your localization efforts where they’ll do the best for your business online by translating your website and any other relevant pages.

Here are seven essential parts of localizing your marketing that, if you understand them, can do amazing things for your global strategy.

What is Marketing Localization?

Marketing localization services are about changing your communication plan and marketing materials in terms of language, tone, images, and creativity. This is done to ensure that it fits the cultural norms of a target audience in a different country and shows respect for them.

Simply converting your advertisements from one dialect to another won’t work if you want to extend your business and start local marketing in a different country.

There is so much more to localization in marketing than this. Everything you might consider standard in your current marketing strategy, from expression and tone to inference and emotion, must be considered. After that, it would be beneficial if you rewrote it for your modern audience.

Localization in Marketing: Some Points to Consider

1. How to Bring Traffic to Your Pages

SEO also considers how well a website adapts to a specific locale. Understanding the differences between markets and how they show up in how people search is an integral part of search engine optimization. Keywords and search engine results will be different from market to market. This is true not only for different needs but also for linguistically distinct varieties of a single language.

Search engine optimization (SEO) factors include title descriptions and meta tags, backlinks, the time it takes for a website to load, and a design that adapts to different screen sizes.

2. Monitoring Results

Once you’ve implemented your marketing plan locally, you need to assess how well it works. Depending on what you’ve set out to do with your campaign, you may be tracking things like signups, purchases, or the volume of requested demos.

If you aren’t happy with your results, split-testing might help you find out what kind of content or calls to action (CTAs) will appeal to various people in different parts of the world. Any localization management system could benefit significantly from the use of variations.

For successful localization for marketing, you need to find a way to automate the process so that it can be done as quickly as possible. It is done with the help of a specialized localization tool.

3. Taking Care of Translations in the Right Way

You may have considered translating your document after it was finished in the past, but in today’s world of rapid digital product development, that isn’t good enough. You could decide to make changes to the original text while the translation is in progress.

There must be a means of communication between translators. Also, the design isn’t changed at all during the translation process. More companies are considering localization during the design stage because it has clear benefits for all primary users and reduces the time it takes to get a product out the door.

4. Establishing a Core Group of People

Naturally, you’ll need to hire a staff of locals who can translate the content into your language. Make sure they fully grasp your offering and the context of the problem they’re trying to solve. Although essential, translation is only one part of the localization process. Translation companies must adapt extensively to the preferences of the target audience.

Working with a marketing localization company or hiring a dedicated project manager will take your localization work to the next level. They will ensure the localization process goes quickly and smoothly, coordinating the different people involved and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

5. Examining and Responding to Market Fluctuations

By researching local markets in greater depth, you may learn which promotion methods work best, how high the demand is, and how comparable your needs are to those of your competitors. You are laying the groundwork for your marketing to be tailored to specific regions.

The next step is to determine what your company offers in terms of marketing that is used to win over the locals. Anything you think your current audience will find helpful, from your website and landing pages to any infographics, videos, or blog posts you’ve created.

6. Decision-Making Before Entering New Market

Usually, a company’s decision to enter a market is based on its global marketing strategy. Both external and internal information will strengthen your decision.

To figure out how much it costs to get a new client, you can, for example, look at your online data to see what’s interesting, like a lot of leads coming from one region or country. You can also track the development of your rivals to stay abreast of market shifts.

You can learn more about the potential demand for your product by investigating the markets where your rivals are already selling it. Finding out what your competitors think will help you define your brand in that space in a call you don’t know much about.

7. Conform Culturally: Customize Page Elements’ Locally

The elements of a marketing page should be locally tailored for each target audience.

One alternative to straight translation of the material is transcreation. Localization should not be seen as a literal translation but rather as a way to rewrite or reframe the content. This is especially true for marketing texts. Remember that the content was created for a specific audience and may not ring true for readers in different countries and cultures. In the same way, you may want to advertise other parts of your product more in one market than in another.

Localizing is more than just changing the text and language. It would help if you also thought about changing things like photos and videos. It is essential to always include these cultural aspects in your translation and marketing efforts, as they will significantly impact how people see your brand and how well you connect with people worldwide.


In this post, we looked at marketing localization from all angles: what it is, how it’s done, and the potential benefits and drawbacks of getting started down that path. However, it is essential to localize marketing materials to succeed in today’s worldwide environment.

Are you prepared to implement these strategies in your overseas markets? Please look at how your targeted marketing pages might do with these changes implemented, and let us see how it goes.

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